International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences ISSN: 2632-7597 2024-10-09T13:29:26+00:00 Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmed Darwish [email protected] Open Journal Systems ALEXANDRIA IN THE WRITINGS OF THE TRAVELER IBN BATTUTA, AN ANALYTICAL STUDY 2024-08-26T12:50:21+00:00 Aya Atta Ismail [email protected] <p>Travel books or travel literature are considered one of the most important scientific sources in the historical writing process for historians and researchers in this field, due to the valuable and rare information they contain between their pages that we rarely find in other history books. It depicts for us places and times that we would not have had without the adventures of these travelers across the universe.</p> <p>However, its users must take caution in the process of transferring it, and it must also be subjected to historical criticism, given that the writings of its authors are completely inaccurate, interspersed with some imagination, and dominated by the nature of subjectivity, in addition to the lack of mastery of most of its authors in the Arabic language and other shortcomings that taint it. Accordingly, the travel books it has its advantages and disadvantages in the process of historical documentation and historical writings.</p> <p>This research deals with the writings of one of the travelers who visited the city of Alexandria, Ibn Battuta, in the year 725 AH (1325 AD) and 750 AH (1349 AD). Many of the city’s landmarks were mentioned in his writings, where he described the gates, walls, lighthouses, and Pompey’s Pillar. The study includes a mention of what he wrote it describing the landmarks of Alexandria, in addition to the analytical study.</p> 2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 © 2024 by The Authors. Creative Commons License This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. COPTIC CHURCHES IN OLD CAIRO, AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL, ARCHITECTURAL AND ARTISTIC STUDY 2024-08-26T12:53:37+00:00 Hajar Ahmed Mahmoud [email protected] <p>The churches of ancient Egypt received continuous care during the Islamic era. They were damaged when Fustat burned and were renovated during the reign of Harun al-Rashid al-'Abbasi and Al-'AzizBillah the Fatimid. They number ten churches with a rectangular and square plan. These churches include the Hanging Church, the Church of Abu Serja, the Church of Saint Barbara, the Church of Caesarea al-Rayhan, and the Church of Abu Seifin, the Church of AnbaShenouda, the Church of the Virgin of Damsheria, the Church of Babylon Al-Daraj, the Church of Aba Kiir and John, and the Church of Prince Tadros Al-Mashriqi.</p> <p>Some of these churches take a rectangular plan consisting of the façade, the transverse entrance vestibule, and the longitudinal porticoes and structures, as in the Hanging Church, the Church of Abu Serja, Barbara, Abu Seifin, AnbaShenouda, and the Babylon Staircase. Others take a square plan, as in the Church of Caesarea Al-Rayhan and the Church of Prince Tadros Al-Mashriqi.</p> <p>The research deals with the planning of Coptic churches and an archaeological, architectural and artistic study of four churches in ancient Egypt, including: the Hanging Church, the Church of Abu Serja, Barbara, and Abu Seifin.</p> 2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 © 2024 by The Authors. Creative Commons License This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. ABU MANDOUR MOSQUE IN ROSETTA ACCORDING TO EUROPEAN TRAVELERS (17-19 AD), AN ANALYTICAL STUDY 2024-08-26T13:35:32+00:00 Nihad Al-Husseini Jamal [email protected] <p>Abu Mandour Mosque is located next to the Abu Mandour area, south of Rosetta in Beheira Governorate. It is a group of sand hills in the form of a mountain peak. The mosque was part of a corner (Zawiyat Abu Mandour) that was located in the east and overlooking the Nile River, but it was rebuilt in its place.</p> <p>The research covers Archaeological and analytical study about Abu Mandour Mosque in the writings and paintings of European travelers 17-19 century AD.</p> <p>It is important to shed light on this important historical site through the writings and paintings of European travelers during the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, who spoke about this mosque in a study, and to provide an analytical study of the writings and paintings of a group of European travelers: Gravier Etienne (1685), Charles Nicolas Sigisbert Sonnini de Manoncourt (1777), Luigi Mayer (1801), Dominique Vivant Denon (1802), John Elliott Woolford (1803), Ulrich Jasper Seetzen (1807), Edouard de Montule (1818-1819), Edward William Lane (1828), Adrien Douzats (1830), Charles Theodor Frere (1869, and Louis Thurman (1902).</p> <p>The research includes three axes, including:the location of the mosque, the creator and date of creation, Abu Mandour Mosque in the writings and paintings of European travelers, and a comparative analytical study of the traveler’s drawings with the modern construction of the mosque.</p> 2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 © 2024 by The Authors. Creative Commons License This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. ALEXANDRIA IN THE WRITINGS OF RABBI MESHULLAM BEN MENAHEM (1481) AND ARNOLD VON HARFF (1496 AD): AN ANALYTICAL STUDY 2024-08-26T13:37:52+00:00 Mahmoud Ahmed Darwish [email protected] <p>Travel books or travel literature are considered one of the most important scientific sources in the process of historical recording for historians and researchers in this field, due to the valuable and rare information they contain between their pages that we rarely find in other history books. They depict for us places and times that we would not have obtained without the adventures of those people, travelers across the universe. However, its users must take caution in the process of transferring it, and it must also be subjected to historical criticism, given that the writings of its authors are completely inaccurate, interspersed with some imagination, and dominated by the nature of subjectivity, in addition to the lack of mastery of most of its authors in the Arabic language and other shortcomings that taint it. Accordingly, the travel books It has its advantages and disadvantages in the process of historical documentation and historical writings.</p> <p>The European journey left important notes about the cities, the population, and historical events. The European traveler visited the cities and recorded valuable sightings that were not mentioned in contemporary sources. We must not forget that those travelers expressed the attempt of medieval Europe to discover the outside world, especially the Arab region, which has a very diverse population and economy. Ideologically and religiously rich, especially through the presence of the sacred places of the three monotheistic religions on its western side, knowing that the writings of European travelers in the Middle Ages are considered the true beginnings of the phenomenon of Orientalism and Europe’s connection with the East, and traced its news, wealth, and peoples, so that this knowledge was transformed in favor of the phenomenon of European colonialism in the Middle Ages. And modern ones, all of which point to the importance of studying the writings of the European journey at that time.</p> <p>The research deals with the modern city of Alexandria through the writings of two travelers who visited the city, namely the travelers Meshullam ben Menahem and Arnold von Harff, who wrote a lot about this city, and what concerns us in this area is related to third: the effects of Alexandria according to Meshullam ben Menahem and Arnold von Harff. It includes: the walls of Alexandria, the tower (Qaitbay Citadel), the houses of Alexandria, the Christian shrines, and those who mentioned its architectural layout and architectural elements.</p> 2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 © 2024 by The Authors. Creative Commons License This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. THIRTY YEARS OF INTERNATIONAL AND LOCAL RESEARCH (1995-2024), RESEARCH AND STUDIES IN ARCHAEOLOGY, HISTORY AND HERITAGE 2024-08-26T13:41:14+00:00 Huda Abdel Rahim Abdel Kadir [email protected] <p>In the period from October 1995 to March 2024, The Egyptian archaeologist Mahmoud Darwish published many scientific research papers, this research were published in international journals with an impact factor, local Journals and international conferences.</p> <p>The scientific fields related to this research are in the fields of architecture, Islamic and Coptic arts, Philosophy of art, documentary studies, manuscripts, history and heritage.</p> <p>Now I present to the reader a list of the research published in these fields, along with the links to them. The mention of each research includes the name of the scientific journal in which it was published, the volume, issue, and pages. This ends with the link to this research on the website of the journal in which it was published</p> 2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 © 2024 by The Authors. Creative Commons License This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Nature, Ecology, and Human Relationships in the Works of Ruskin Bond: A Study of Environmental Consciousness in Contemporary Indian Literature 2024-10-09T13:29:26+00:00 Renu [email protected] <p>Ruskin Bond, one of India's most celebrated contemporary authors, has contributed significantly to the environmental discourse in Indian literature through his evocative depictions of nature and human interactions with the environment. His work, characterized by its deep connection to the natural world, offers readers both a nostalgic vision of nature and a critical reflection on the environmental degradation occurring in India. This paper examines how Bond’s writing explores the intimate relationship between humans and nature, as well as the tension between development and environmental preservation. By analyzing his novels, short stories, and essays, the study reveals how Bond’s environmental consciousness is woven into his portrayal of landscapes, indigenous knowledge, and the looming threats of modernization. The paper argues that Bond’s works not only celebrate the beauty and vitality of nature but also call for a more harmonious and sustainable coexistence between humans and the environment.</p> 2024-10-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences (IJCISS) ISSN 2632-7597