International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences ISSN: 2632-7597 IJCISS Publications en-US International Journal of Cultural Inheritance & Social Sciences ISSN: 2632-7597 2632-7597 MODERN DIRECTIONS IN ARCHAEOLOGY, A STUDY OF THE SUPPORTING HUMANITIES AND APPLIED SCIENCES <p>At its beginning, archeology was a description of stone buildings and huge tombs that remained visible above the ground and resisted the elements of nature. Then it became a distinct science that relied on all possible documents without limitation and benefited from the methods and data of most sciences. There has been a shift in the development of archeology in the last twenty years, and an intellectual and methodological division occurred in the subject of archaeology between a traditional archaeological school and a modern method. In the past, archeology relied on classifying and classifying discovered objects and bringing them together.</p> <p>After the discovery of absolute modern dating methods, the archaeologist has a powerful weapon with which to address the problem of determining the time of things, which is one of the most important goals of research and excavation.</p> <p>Archeology also benefited from new elements in the field of physical and natural sciences, such as botany, zoology, and ecology, and such sciences became an important tool for interpreting archaeological problems, such as knowledge of the development of agriculture, the beginning of animal hybridization, and differences in the natural climate and its developments over previous times.</p> Mahmoud Ahmed Darwish1, Huda Abdel Rahim Abdel Kadir2 Copyright (c) 2024 © 2024 by The Authors. Creative Commons License This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 6 11 1 32 ATRANSACTIONALMODELANDPLATFORMFORDESIGNINGANDIMPLEMENTINGREACTIVESYSTEMS <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>A reactive program is one that has “ongoing interactions with its environment”.</p> <p>Reac- tive programs include those for embedded systems, operating systems, network clients and servers, databases, and smart phone apps. Reactive programs are already a core part of our computational and physical infrastructure and will continue to proliferate within our society as new form factors, e.g. wireless sensors, and inexpensive (wireless) networking are applied to new problems.</p> <p>Asynchronous concurrency is a fundamental characteristic of reactive systems that makes them difficult to develop. Threads are commonly used for implementing reactive systems, but they may magnify problems associated with asynchronous concurrency, as there is a gap between the semantics of thread-based computation and the semantics of reactive systems: reactive software developed with threads often has subtle timing bugs and tends to be brittle and non-reusable as a holistic understanding of the software becomes necessary to avoid concurrency hazards such as data races, deadlock, and livelock, Based on these problems.</p> Esam Mohamed Elwan Copyright (c) 2024 © 2024 by The Authors. Creative Commons License This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 6 11 33 99 WOODEN ANTIQUES IN EGYPTIAN PORTS, AN APPLIEDE STUDY OF THE TECHNICAL METHODS AND MANUFACTURES <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This research deals with an applied study of the technical methods used in the manufacture of handmade wooden antiques in Egyptian ports. The scientific content of this research includes the manufacture of wooden antiques in Egyptian ports, and the wood used in this industry, which includes: poplar wood, which is of two types: red poplar, gray poplar, oak, Beech, Pine, known in the local market as Beach Pine, Musky, Teak, Buxus, and Ebony. Turkish walnut and Cupressus. Accordingly, wood is divided into five types: hard wood, soft wood, resinous wood, valuable wood, and wood from hot regions. The technical methods used in this industry include: assembling and interlocking, drilling, turning, inlaying, cutting, hollowing out, and coloring.</p> Mahmoud Ahmed Darwish Copyright (c) 2024 © 2024 by The Authors. Creative Commons License This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 6 11 100 127 THE MULTIFACETED CHALLENGES FACED BY YOUTHS OF INDIA <p>India's population is expected to surpass China's by April 2023, with a large young population, referred to as a "demographic dividend," comprising over 62% of the working age group (15-59 years old). This young population has the potential to drive economic growth and innovation, and a skilled and educated workforce can be a major asset for the country's development. However, each section of the youth population faces different issues and challenges, such as poor health, social, emotional, and psychological problems, cultural nuances, job creation, skill gap, family expectations, urbanization, rural disparity, lack of moral values, rigid culture, caste discrimination, religious bias, education disparities, lack of jobs and skills, corruption, drug abuse, peer pressures, youth unrest, involvement in crimes, brain drains, migration, lack of representation in democracy, and lack of civil engagement. The government must take an ethical responsibility to address these challenges and ensure the right prospects, proper direction, and accomplishments for the youth.</p> Dr Gobind Singh Gure Copyright (c) 2024 © 2024 by The Authors. Creative Commons License This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 2024-06-02 2024-06-02 6 11 128 144 Market research on Bt-cotton in Wardha district of Maharashtra <p>The study is an analysis of price spread, producer’s share in consumer’s rupee and marketing efficiency of Bt-cotton in Wardha district of Maharashtra. A multistage sampling technique was employed to select the market functionaries from whom information was collected and analyzed. The data was collected using well designed questionnaires from two different marketing channels – Channel 1:&nbsp; Producer- Ginner and channel 2: Producer- Commission agent- Ginner. Then the data was analyzed using tabulation method alongwith statistical tools. The marketing costs and marketing margins were found to be increasing in channel 2.</p> *Sale Y.C. , **Janglekar S.P. and *Waghmare M.N. Copyright (c) 2024 © 2024 by The Authors. Creative Commons License This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 2024-07-11 2024-07-11 6 11 145 150 Mahatma Gandhi's Sarvodaya Philosophy: Relevance and Application in the 21st Century <p>The paper delves into the profound philosophical concept of Sarvodaya as favored by Mahatma Gandhi, exploring its historical roots, philosophical underpinnings, and contemporary relevance. Sarvodaya, meaning “the welfare of all” embodies Gandhi’s vision of holistic societal progress that transcends conventional notions of development. The paper begins by providing a historical context, examining the socio-political landscape during Gandhi’s time, and the impetus that led him to formulate the concept of Sarvodaya. Gandhi's experiences, influenced by both Eastern and Western philosophies, shaped his conviction that true progress could only be achieved when the welfare of the most vulnerable members of society was prioritized.</p> Akshay Kumar* Nidhi Saini* Purshottam** Copyright (c) 2024 © 2024 by The Authors. Creative Commons License This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 2024-07-11 2024-07-11 6 11 151 156